Show Recap: Honest John, MFP, The Peacebreakers, Stars and Stripes, and Sheer Terror at The Middle East Downstairs

Written by Keith Maxwell

I love punk shows.  Killer songs and short set lists always make for a good time.  On November 2nd, The Middle East had a great line up of punk acts.  Some newer, and some legends that have deep roots in the punk scene.

Honest John

Honest John
Honest John is a hardcore punk band from Providence.  The band is known for its audience involvement.  The singer actually performs in the crowd, rather than up on stage, going above and beyond for their performance.


MFP keeps the night rolling with more raw energy.  The singer also getting involved with the audience, at one point grabbing two microphones at once to scream the vocals.

The Peacebreakers

The Peacebreakers
The Peacebreakers are a cool local Boston band.  This band created some furious mosh pits.  The room was really starting to go insane by this point in the show.

Stars and Stripes

Stars And Stripes
Stars and Stripes are one of the old school Boston punk acts with a lot of grit and showmanship.  Their sound is reminiscent of the origins of punk rock, and it was awesome to see a band play that had a serious throwback sound.  The front of the room was an absolute mess of fans and shouting.

Sheer Terror

Sheer Terror
A legendary hardcore punk band from New York, their sound was some of the heaviest out there, almost a mix of punk rock and death metal, which definitely sounded cool.
All in all, a terrific way to spend a Sunday night.  Anyone who’s a fan of punk rock should definitely check out these bands.
Also, be on the lookout for upcoming events next weekend.  Register as a fan to get the updates on upcoming shows!
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